about me.
After all, I sincerely believe it's God's
will that I'm so blessed.
Blessed I am too, for living in an age when by the efforts of Virginia and others, I can come into my rightful place as a complete person; masculine and feminine, with the joys of both.
May I say to all my sisters among you, Don't force your way among your friends, but don't pass an opportunity to bend an interested ear. Don't be ashamed of your thoughts and your deeds, for they surely were emplanted within you by a being far be- yond your comprehension. Enjoy your complete per- sonality and radiate your love of life to your loved ones. Be honest with your self and your loved ones, and they'll love you for it.
These hands, wrinkled by the toll of years and toil of earning, have brought me honor and our livli- hood. This heart has brought me and mine an insight into the prospect of a much happier way of living, and loving, with complete harmony with myself and others, now that I've accepted my complete being.
My heart is with you all. My hands are avail- able to any and all whom they may assist. May I help you?
1st TV: "Where have you been for the last two weeks?"
2nd TV: "In jail."
1st TV:
"Oh, my, did someone "read"
2nd TV: "No, just the opposite. I was standing on a street corner when a lady rushed up with a policeman and said, "That's the beautiful woman who did it." I was so flattered, I admitted it."